Cultivar’s fruit is elliptical with bud closed fruit leaf. Red Fruit by itself its fruit length reach 55 cm, diameter 10-15 cm, and weight 2-3 kg. Its color when reached matured moment is bright red, although in fact there is this plant type which bear fruit brown and tan brass.

Based upon result of analysis, chemical content of the Red Fruit consists of high nutrient substances. They are karoten (12,000 ppm), betakatoren (700 ppm), tokoferol (11,000 ppm), oleat acid, linoleat acid, linolenat acid, dekanoat acid, Omega 3, Omega 9, calcium, and Fe. They are active medicine compounds.
Betakaroten functions to slow down artery spots blockage. As a result, blood can flow to hearth and brain smoothly. They can interact with protein doubling antibody output. This can increase the number of natural cell killer and increasing to helpers and lymphocyte activities. One study found consumption of betakaroten 30-60 mg/day for 2 months caused body produced diseases free natural cells. Increasing such natural cells may minimize cancer cells production because it can neutralize carcinogens compound free radical which is known as cancer source.
Another function of the Red Fruit is as anti-carcinogens which is more perfect with the presence of tokoferol. This compound functions to increase body immune system. The Red Fruit which consists of high dozes of Omega 3 and Omega 9 is non saturated fat acid, easily digested and absorbed as a result metabolism can run smoothly. Smooth metabolism process will increase recovery process. Because body obtained protein supply to increase body resistance power.
The Red Fruit’s fat acid is also antibiotic and antivirus. They function to slow down and kill virus lipids membrane. In addition, virus is not given opportunity to develop new structure as a result regeneration can’t be performed. Due to its competence, it actively prevent and kill viruses. In addition, it also able to slow down and kill active tumor cells.
Based chemical content of the Red Fruit, its used to cure multi diseases medicine like antioxidant, blind, diabetes mellitus, eye disease, heart disease, high cholesterol, HIV/AIDS, hypertension, lungs disease, osteoporosis, powerless, rheumatic, skin disease, stroke, tumor/cancer, weakness, wormy, etc.
1. www.buahmerahonline.com
2. www.buah-merah.info
This Red Fruit appears to have many powerful healing properties. I didn't see in the article any mention of how it tastes. It would be a wonderful combination if it tasted great and had all those healing compenents.
Thanks to Stepanie for your comment.
Red Fruit's juice if felt with tongue haven't felt at all. At this time, Red Fruit's juice which was circulating many in the form of oil. Feel Red Fruit's juice in the form of oil is equal to feeling normal cooking oil, did not feel completely sweet, salty, and acid.
If felt acid, meaning the Red Fruit's juice have decayed. Feel beloved or briny mean the juice have been mingled or mixed with other materials, like sugar, salt, or other.
I hope this comment helpful.
Hello! may I ask if there's any proof that this one has saved lives?
esberitox - Good information and posting contain the most suggestible and informative. Nice posting and helpful info. Thanks.
Like all fruits they have healing properties, its interesting to note that Red fruit has cancer healing properties.
Is there any proof that this fruit have cure chronic diseases like HIV/Aids and cancer?
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